learning hebrew free

הקראת כתבה
יום שני י״ג טבת ה׳תשע״ד
Here are 2 books that were composed accordingly for students who study in an Ulpan (School for learning the Hebrew language), also for those who learn the language by themselves, or as reading material in schools. The texts used were chosen carefully according to their content and also as educative material, including many exercises. The goal is to improve the ability of the student to read easily theoretical and literary articles, to enlargen his vocabulary in speech, reading and writing, together with his knowledge of Hebrew in all its forms – verbs, nouns, and adjectives in all tenses, with the correct and appropriate form of conjunction.

Here are links to 2 books for learning hebrew

medium level

advanced level

The Hebrew language is the language of the Torah and prayer. With it G-d created the world. It isn't a language that people agreed on, but a holy

language with a special structure.

Our sages emphasized the importance of learning Hebrew – the holy language, and considered it a commandment. In Deuteronomy 11:19 it is written: “You shall teach them (the words of Torah) to your children to discuss them”. Our Rabbis explain that in this verse the Torah is teaching us that from the moment that a child learns to speak, one should speak with him in Hebrew and teach him Torah.

Ramba”m, on his commentary to the “Ethics of our Fathers”, explains also that knowing Hebrew is one of the most important laws.

*    *     *

Our Hebrew books were composed for students who study in “Ulpan” (School for learning the Hebrew language), or for those who learn the language by themselves.

The texts used were chosen carefully according to their educational content and to the level of the students. The goal is to improve the ability of the student to read, write and speak easily. The books include many exercises, and the students who study them will be able to increase their vocabulary, and upgrade their skill and knowledge of Hebrew. In addition, all proper forms of Hebrew grammar,  verbs, nouns, and adjectives etc. are included.

An important comment:

These books are updated version of the book "Freshen up your Hebrew Language"  written by Shulamith Shmida and published by "Akademon" –  the publishing company of the Hebrew University in 1995.


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